About Us
As the founder of Anime Forever Global, I have been an avid fan of anime from a young age. My passion for selling products has only grown stronger as I have matured, and I firmly believe that this passion is a driving force for success. After attending countless anime conventions, I made the decision to enter the industry and establish my own small store, where I can gather and curate my favorite products for like-minded fans.
I understand the immense pleasure and excitement that comes with attending events such as Comic-Con with friends and family, and I am dedicated to providing an unparalleled shopping experience for our customers. It is my sincerest hope that our products will continue to be met with the utmost admiration and support from our loyal patrons as we continue to participate in exhibitions worldwide.
Our major appearance:
Otakuthon - Montreal
Anime Toronto - Toronto
Winnipeg Comic Con - Winnipeg
Hamilton Comic Con - Hamilton
London Comic Con - London
RetroCon - Hamilton
Awesome Toy Show - Mississauga